SeminarSeminar information

Ho Chi Minh

Ho Chi Minh

Soft Skills
Fresher / Leader
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
Fri, 19/07Time management skill09:00-17:001,200,000
Wed, 31/07To be leader: The right mindset & skills09:00-17:001,200,000
Fri, 09/08Logical thinking skill09:00-12:001,200,000
Wed, 09/10Talent management & succession training plan09:00-17:001,200,000
Fri, 25/10How to ask for help at work09:30-11:301,000,000
Tue, 12/11 - Wed, 13/11Leadership development & Management skill08:30-17:005,000,000
Tue, 10/12Conflict resolution & strengthen team cohesion in the workplace09:00-17:001,200,000
Tax – Accounting
Tax – Accounting Staff
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
Fri, 26/07Situation & trend of tax inspection09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 14/08Sharing experience on working with tax inspector09:00-12:001,000,000
Thu, 22/08Review & correct common errors in financial statements09:30-11:301,000,000
Fri, 06/09Instructions on value added tax refund procedures09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 18/09Tax saving - Finance solutions for business09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 16/09Corporate income tax incentives09:00-12:001,000,000
Thu, 07/11IFRS 16 - A new era of lease accounting09:00-12:001,000,000
Thu, 21/11Tax declaration for dependent branch09:00-12:001,000,000
Fri, 22/11E-Invoice - Process management for reducing mistakes09:30-11:301,000,000
Thu, 12/12Tax - Accounting regulations & practicial application in business09:30-11:301,000,000
Tue, 17/12Personal income tax finalization for company09:00-12:001,000,000
Fri, 20/12Corporate income tax finalization 202409:00-12:001,000,000
Fri, 27/12Tax - Accounting forum in the last 6 months 202409:30-11:301,000,000
Labor – HR Management
HR – Administrative Staff
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
Fri, 09/08Labor regulations - Handling labor discipline09:30-12:002,000,000
Thu, 29/08Summary & update on important notes on personal data protection under Decree 13/2023/ND-CP09:00-12:001,000,000
Thu, 31/10Notes on the procedures for work permit, visa & temporary residence card for foreigners09:00-12:001,000,000
Wed, 18/12Labor forum in the last 6 months 202409:00-12:001,000,000
Corporate governance
Staff of all levels
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
Tue, 23/07Practical experience sharing with building a internal management process09:30-11:301,000,000
Thu, 12/09Overview of M&A business09:30-11:301,000,000
Tue, 24/09The method of reporting for business operations analysis09:30-11:301,000,000
Fri, 15/11Customer credit management09:00-12:001,000,000

(*) Note:
・The detailed information of each seminar, including register link will be monthly sent by email.
・The fee is excluded value added tax (VAT).
・Up to 2 free slots of each topic will be given to client who has signed Business Support Contract with I-Glocal.
・The schedule, the method of conducting seminar can be changed depending on the actual conditions.
・Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us via:
 Tel: 028-3827-8096

Ha Noi

Ha Noi

Soft skills - Personal Development (Vietnamese)
Participant: Fresher / Manager
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Mon) 22/01Reporting skills「OFF」14:00 - 17:001,200,000
(Wed) 28/02Complaint handling skills「OFF」14:00 - 16:301,200,000
(Thu) 14/03Teamwork「OFF」14:00 - 16:301,200,000
(Wed) 24/04Leadership, Management skills in Japanese company 「OFF」※09:00 - 17:003,500,000
(Thu) 23/05Compliance skill 「OFF」※13:30 - 17:002,500,000
(Thu) 27/06Tasks and Time Management skills「OFF」14:00 - 17:001,200,000
Tax and Accounting operations (Vietnamese)
Participant: Tax - Accounting employees
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Fri) 26/01Situation of transfer pricing inspection & some notices「ONL」14:00 - 16:001,000,000
(Wed) 20/03IAS16 - Notice when coverting report from VAS to IFRS「ONL」14:00 - 16:301,000,000
(Wed) 15/05Update regulations about Tax that should know「OFF」14:00 - 17:001,000,000
(Fri) 31/05VAT refund「OFF」14:00 - 17:001,000,000
(Fri) 21/06Notables points when explaining Transfer Pricing Documentation to tax authorities「ONL」14:00 - 16:301,000,000
(Fri) 28/06Tax inspection procedures and some issues to note「OFF」14:00 - 17:001,000,000
Administration - Human Resources - Labor (Vietnamese)
Participant: HR – Administrative Staff
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Mon) 15/01Obligations of companies on personal data protection according to Decree 13/2023/ND-CP 「OFF」※14:00 - 17:001,250,000
(Thu) 07/03Basic knowledge about licenses and labor for the accounting department「OFF」09:30 - 11:301,000,000
(Thu) 20/06Labor forum for the first 6 months of 2024「OFF」14:00 - 17:001,000,000
Business administration (Vietnamese)
Participant: Staff of all levels
Date Topic Time Fee (VND)
(Thu) 16/05Financial analysis - Application in business「ONL」09:00 - 11:301,000,000

・The language of this seminar will be Vietnamese.
・The detailed information of each seminar will be sent to by email and fan page, including register link.
・Those marked "ONL" will be held via ZOOM webinar, and those marked "OFF" will be held at our Hanoi office.
・The fee will be excluded value added tax (VAT).
・Customers who have signed Business Support Contract with us will have the discount policy as below:
+ With seminars marked ※ : Discounts will be applied. Please contact our person in charge for more details.
+ With other remaining seminars: 2 participants / 1 seminar for free.
・The schedule can be changed depending on the actual conditions.
・Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us via:
 Seminar Team
 Tel: 024-2220-0334